Welcome Note

The Central-Eastern European Marfan Symposium organized by the Hungarian Marfan Foundation and the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University is going to be held on 26th October 2018.

The aim of our event is to present the wide range of clinical aspects of Marfan syndrome and to demonstrate the most recent research findings of the field. Applying an interdisciplinary approach could enable us to provide the highest quality of care for our patients with diverse and complex clinical manifestations. In addition, the continuous improvement of our research activity could help us to boost their life quality. Reaching these goals requires various medical specialties to come together, to cooperate and to share their experiences with each other. This symposium is intended to provide a platform for this.  

As suggested above, our target audience is diverse: cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, general practitioners, geneticists, pulmonologists, obstetricians, ophtalmologists and vascular surgeons. We also welcome everyone who is interested in any of the above mentioned specialties.
The official language of the symposium is English. Our presenters are  from several European countries, and they are internationally recognized experts of their field. The duration of the presentations is 10-15-20 minutes followed by a 5 minute long discussion. The participants will learn about how the European Reference Network on Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases (VASCERN) and the Hungarian Marfan Foundation work. Lectures on the genetic background of Marfan syndrome and related disorders will be also held by leaders in the field.
Cardiac and vascular surgical aspects of aortic dissection, which is the most dangerous, life-threatening manifestation of the syndrome will also be discussed. 
Further lectures will cover the most important prospects of the main clinical manifestations: cardiological follow-up, Marfan cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias, pulmonary deviations, pregnancy in Marfan syndrome, thoracic and paediatric surgical aspects, orthopedic and ophtalmological treatment options. 

The lectures will be followed by a poster session. 

The symposium is closed by a final test exam. A certificate is given to participants who pass the exam.

We hope that this symposium will reach its main goal, so that Marfan syndrome patients will be able to benefit as much as possible in the future from the thought-provoking lectures and open discussions.

Prof. Zoltán Szabolcs MD